About Us
About 11 years ago I was hired by John Moore, who was the original founder of John Moore Window Cleaning. He originally hired me to help him grow the business. After a year or so he began getting involved with other business ventures and such and his attention started going more toward those things. I thought to myself “wait a minute I was hired to help grow the business and that’s what I intend to do so I am going to make an offer to buy this window cleaning Melbourne FL business since John is wanting to do other things.” And so that’s exactly what I did. Up to date it’s been about seven years since I officially purchased the business.
I am very thankful for having John in my life then because he not only taught me the basics of window cleaning Melbourne FL, but he also taught me a lot about ministry, people, and business. He is an extremely smart guy who gives his whole heart to people in need of encouragement or help in just about any area of their life. He is one of the biggest reasons I am where I am today.
When I originally came to work for John I was coming out of a tough relationship and he really helped me to transition out of it. If anyone was to ask me what kind of a guy John is I would tell them straight up they would be very blessed to have him on their team.
So after I acquired the business I began implementing some of the nuts and bolts it takes to grow and maintain a thriving company. I started by getting a real powerful CRM platform to help track, schedule, invoice and account for customer files and profiles. After realizing the power of this platform I began to use it to streamline our daily processes and workflow to bring the highest levels of efficiency, quality control, and personability into the mix. I am very proud to say it has been very difficult at times to develop all that we have but I don’t regret any single thing. I can say one of our strong suits is intentionality. Our technicians are trained in the area of customer service by role playing and demonstration to help perfect our system. We know that without constantly pursuing an active and open relationship with our clients combined with quality workmanship and good character we would be less than our best. We are constantly looking for ways to not just be our best but keep getting better. In this fast changing world we know it is critical to stay on the cutting edge in our field. We attend trade shows and stay plugged in with some of the top trade associations in our industry. Like my dad always said”it’s all about the tools son” and I have learned that there is a whole lot of truth to that. You also must have good quality tools and not cheap ones. My dad has told me a story at least a dozen times about how my pawpaw bought a bunch of cheap tools for his crew at his construction company because he got a good deal on them and how every one of them broke on the first day they were used. So that’s one of the reasons I only use quality name brand window cleaning Melbourne FL and pressure washing equipment. In relation to that I have also learned to get equipment serviced on a regular basis by a reputable company that uses certified technicians and not trying to get “a guy” like many business owners do because they still haven’t learned the true lesson that many many times you really do get what you pay for.
Another thing we take pride in is checking our work before we leave every window cleaning Melbourne FL job. I remember hiring a young man from another state that was a trained window cleaner and actually a pretty good one at that for a temporary holiday season. The only thing he really sneered at about how we do it every day is we check our work before we leave the job. He went on to brag that the company he worked for had such an intense training program that it only produced the very best window cleaners and that they were so good when they came out of training they never had to check their work. So I asked the guy how many call backs they would get in a week. His reply was that they would normally get 2 to 3 and sometimes 4 on the average. I got a bit tickled when I heard this because I then asked him how many call backs do you think we get in a week and he said “how many?” and I had the awesome privilege to tell him in all the years I have been in the business we have only had ONE! His response was that he just gave a smirk and was like ya right. But it is the absolute truth. It amazes me that the company he works for is quite large and yet one of the practices they teach is to NEVER check their work!!! AMAZING!!! So it actually encourages me that we DO implement checking our work EVERY TIME and NOT just SOME times so that we get the same quality results EVERY TIME! This is one of the things that sets us apart as a window cleaning Melbourne FL business. One thing we tell them is the moment we take our hand off the property we must be certain we have followed every step. Our main perspective in management that we want to portray is that we will never ask an employee to do anything we are not willing to do ourselves. We know that 2 heads are better than one and 3 heads are better than two.
We are some of the craziest, most dedicated people that you will ever meet that’s for sure! We know that without you having the most committed vendors on your team you can be at risk in bringing your very best to your own clients.
We know when we do the thing we have a passion for the success follows. We don’t just come and clean your windows and concrete, we help solve your problems and make you look good! We take our work very seriously and absolutely love what we do. Between our technicians and clients they both enjoy seeing the “instant gratification” of going from dirty to clean in a matter of minutes, hours, or days depending on the size of the job. And because we are a faith based company we tend to naturally take on the “servant” role to do our very best to make sure every single client is completely satisfied with our work or we can not leave the job until we have achieved that. In our very thorough training program we drill into the newbees that “it is an honor to serve” and “our workmanship is like our signature on the masterpiece”. We really focus on quality control and checking our work before we leave. Many companies do not do that and it is one of our main strengths as a window cleaning Melbourne FL business.